Lyubichankovskiy Sergey

Lyubichankovskiy Sergey

Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Russia

The thesis for a doctor's degree «Provincial administration and a problem of crisis of the power in late-imperial Russia» is protected in 2008 in Northwest Academy of Public Service (St.-Petersburg). The author of 5 monographies and more than 150 publications, including in «Kritika» (USA), «Region» (USA), «Acta Slavica Japonicа» (Japan), «Wschodni rocznik humanistyczny» (Poland), «International Journal of Russian Studies» (Turkey), «Ab Imperio», etc. Participant of the international conferences in Glasgow, Stockholm, Hong-Kong, Kolkata, Osaka, Istanbul, Hamilton, Rome, Vienne, Ulan-Bator, Paris, Lyon, etc. Researches are supported by grants of the President of Russia, Russian Foundation for Humanities, Russian Science Foundation, etc.