Prof. Prasenjit Duara
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Raffles Professor of Humanities and Director, Asia Research Institute
National University of Singapore, Singapore
- Born and educated in India; received his PhD in Chinese history from Harvard University
- Professor and Chair of the Dept. of History (previously)
- Chair of the Committee on Chinese Studies, the University of Chicago (previously)
- Published Culture, Power and the State: Rural North China, 1900-1942 (Stanford Univ Press) in 1988, which won the Fairbank Prize of the AHA and the Levenson Prize of the AAS, USA
- Among his other books are Rescuing History from the Nation (U Chicago 1995), Sovereignty and Authenticity: Manchukuo and the East Asian Modern (Rowman 2003), an edited volume, Decolonization: Now and Then (Routledge, 2004) and A Companion to Global Historical Thought co-edited with Viren Murthy and Andrew Sartori (John Wiley, 2014).
- His work has been widely translated into Chinese, Japanese, Korean and the European languages
- New book, The Crisis of Global Modernity: Asian Traditions and a Sustainable Future will be published by Cambridge University Press later this year