Prof. Stephen E. Anderson
University of Toronto, Canada
Leadership, Higher and Adult Education
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE)
University of Toronto, Canada
- Research and consulting experiences situated in Canada, the United States, Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda), Pakistan, and Chile
- Current research projects: A comparative study of school effectiveness in 22 high and low performing Ontario elementary schools; a study of school leadership in Chilean primary schools; an investigation of leadership practices affecting teaching and learning in the United States (9 states, 45 schools districts, 180 schools), a pan-Canadian study of policies affecting teachers work, case studies of school district efforts to develop teacher capacity to improve student learning in the United States, and evaluations of school and school district-wide school improvement projects in Pakistan and in Kenya
- Recent publications include journal articles and contributions to a book of findings from a large scale investigation of leadership in US schools; an edited book on school improvement in East Africa (Improving Schools Through Teacher Development: Case Studies of the Aga Khan Foundation Projects in East Africa), and a research report on the school district role in school improvement (Beyond Islands of Excellence: What School Districts Can Do to Improve Instruction and Achievement in All Schools)
- Research interests: implementation of education policy and program change, school improvement and teacher development (classroom, school, and school district levels), and program evaluation