Prof. Tadao OnakaMuhammad Babur2017-05-07T15:56:10+00:00 Prof. Tadao Onaka Japan NUCB GS, Japan; MSIA, Carnegie Mellon University
Prof. Nigel DenscombeMuhammad Babur2017-05-07T15:54:50+00:00 Prof. Nigel Denscombe Japan NUCB GS, Japan; MBA, Harvard Business School
Prof. Marius UngererMuhammad Babur2017-05-07T15:53:07+00:00 Prof. Marius Ungerer South Africa The University of Stellenbosch Business School, South Africa
Dr. Muhammad BaburMuhammad Babur2017-05-07T15:49:50+00:00 Dr. Muhammad Babur ELLTA Interest: Leadership, Learning, Asia, Asian Century
Prof. Roshni KumariMuhammad Babur2017-05-07T15:48:34+00:00 Prof. Roshni Kumari ELLTA Interest: Leadership, Learning, Asia, Asian Century
Prof. Narcisa Paredes-CanilaoMuhammad Babur2017-05-07T15:46:26+00:00 Prof. Narcisa Paredes-Canilao Philippines From: Philippines Profile: Associate Professor of Philosophy, PHILIPPINES Interest: Research, Research Ethics, Social Sciences
Prof. Oscar HauptmanMuhammad Babur2017-05-07T15:45:06+00:00 Prof. Oscar Hauptman USA From: USA Profile: PhD from MIT, Harvard Business School (Former Faculty) Interest: Academia, Diversifying Impact
Colin SchumacherMuhammad Babur2017-05-07T15:43:14+00:00 Colin Schumacher Malaysia From: Malaysia Profile: Director – Making Meaning On Screen Pty Ltd Interest: Documentary
Dr. M. Abdul HalimMuhammad Babur2017-05-07T15:38:55+00:00 Dr. M. Abdul Halim Malaysia From: Malaysia Profile: Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Qualitative Research Association of Malaysia (QRAM) Interest: N-Vivo, Qualitative Data, Massive...
PD Alam SaeedMuhammad Babur2017-05-07T15:34:54+00:00 PD Alam Saeed Pakistan From: Pakistan Profile: 636 Publications, 33130 Citations, 2270 CIF, 93 h-index,448 i10-index Interest: Research tools, Research...