
Key Design Features of ELLTA Conference

ELLTA envisages Conferences as spaces for “meaningful interactions” and networking – as means to engage face-to-face with the community of scholars. This is the most critical, significant and valued aspect of conferences, and adds a lot of value to the whole experience. Keeping in view the high significance that ELLA attaches to such interactions, these form the core of ELLTA Schedule. The conference, thus, offers a variety of innovative sessions that are interactive and provide social spaces for talk, networking, [...]

What technology can (not) change in learning?

Interactive Panel Discussion Theory of Learning, over the years, has moved from stimulus-response/ classical conditioning theories to context based theories such as actor network and cultural historical activity theories – a major shift from decontextualized to intensely context-oriented approaches. By implications, the conceptualization of context has also moved from an understanding of ‘context as a container’ to ‘context as co-evolving’ – context is not an impassive or detached container rather it is embedded, shaping and being shaped up simultaneously. This [...]

How to get most out of your participation in an academic conference?

There are more academic conferences in each discipline every year that you may attend. However, with increasing economic and work pressures, there is an enhanced need more than ever to get most out of your participation in any conference. The crux of the matter, therefore, is to ‘plan much earlier’. Paradoxically, one should plan for maximizing benefits rather than attempting to reduce cost. Based on the above mentioned guiding principle, there are some indicative suggestions. I do not think that [...]

Conferences – As “Extended Curriculum”

Academic conferences have increasingly become a regular and important part of universities’ academic calendar. However, it is our general observation that by and large the potential of academic events (such as, conferences, seminars or policy dialogues) does not get fully exploited. Though the conferences generally are seen as a venue for knowledge sharing and learning, the possibilities of meaningful dialogue between formal spaces of learning (university courses and curricula) and Conferences remain marginalized and/ or sporadic. It seems that [...]

5-Step Model for Writing ‘Abstracts’ for Academic Conferences

Writing an abstract for a conference requires refined academic skills; however, abstract writing is often not taught or attended to separately in most of the university courses. With expanded possibilities to join and present at academic conferences, the usefulness of developing specific skills for abstract writing has increased. How ‘abstract’ is viewed commonly? Well, at least, three metaphors are quite common: Among these, the most common metaphors are – abstract as an ‘introduction to the paper’ or as a ‘summary [...]

Ideas Festival: Collaborative Research Projects

Synthesizing ELLTA Event, ‘Ideas Festival: Collaborative Research Projects’  ELLTA recently organised a Knowledge Event (July 10, 2015) to reflect on, synthesize and extend collaborations among ELLTA Community members in relation to promoting scholarly work in Asia. In this regard, the dominant ‘forms’ of collaboration among ELLTA Community, as indicated by participants, are listed below.  Nature of Collaborations so far: · Putting together Edited Book – collaborating with series editors and authors· Writing together/ contributing to edited books· Providing local hospitality/ facilitating local travel, communication or [...]